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CH is not able to handle large Volumes?

Started by dunstus2, April 09, 2008, 03:37:06 PM

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I have found this great too in the internet and I was excited to try it out.

But the tool always hangs when I start the copy on my 4 TB RAID 0 Volume! (Win XP Pro 64 Bit)
In normal small Volumes the tool work!

Can anybody help me?



It's strange what you describe. Unfortunately I do not have access to such hardware to perform the tests myself, however you can help me to detect the problem.

First install the DebugDiag tool:
Then run ch and make it hang (using what you are doing to hang it) and then use debug diag tool to create mini user dump for the ch.exe process that hangs (you can do this on the processes tab by using context menu on a process).

After making such a dump - please send it to my e-mail (hopefully the mini dump will help, otherwise the full dump would need to be created).



Thanks for the fast answer!

I will try this tommorow in the morning and reply soon.

Another question if I am allowed here:
My copy source has only a transfer speed from about 50 MB/sec, but my destination volume should be able to handle about 400 MB/sec. (280 MB/sec tested)
Is it with CH possible to copy from many sources simultaneously?? (Because I have 14 sources)



What do you mean by multiple sources ? The same file in multiple localisations? Or maybe an ability to copy multiple files from different localisations into one destination disk?
The first case is not currently possible, the second one is - just set count of tasks that are possible to run simultaneously.


Thanks again! I have forgotten to change the task setting. These should be the reason why there was no simultaneously copying.

I have 14 different hard drives (the sources) with different files on it and I wanna copy these files do my RAID 0 Volume as fast as possible.
First I took the windows explorer, but this manual copying is not very satisfying.  :)
But with these method I reach approx. 280 MB/sec transfer rate from my 14 sources (hard drives) to the RAID 0 Volume. (4 x 1TB drives)

Tomorrow I will do these test to find out why this great program hangs when I start a copy to the RAID 0 Volume.
(when this happens the CH process has exactly 25% CPU usage)




I am not able to make this user dump! Please help me to make it.
I got the process ch64.exe hang and startet the diagtool, but how can I make that user dump.



Hello again!

I made now this user dumps. (mini and normal)
The reason why I was not able do make this before was that I have had installed the 64 Bit edition of CH.

Anyway, I don´t know how to sent you this dump!?
But you can download it from here: (18KB) (12MB)

I hope I can help you!


Thank you for the files. I tried to analyze it for the last few hours, but it seems that there are missing pieces of information in the larger dump file. I have prepared the debug version of CH 1.3 - would you mind performing the same task (getting full dump when CH seems hanged) with the debug version of CH ?
Here's the link: Just replace the files in your standard installation of CH or use it separately.

And also - please leave CH hanged for at least 10 minutes before getting dump if possible.



Here is the requestet dump file. I tried the debug version of CH and let it hang about 40 minutes before I made the dump.
I hope this is what you need to find the problem. (15MB)



Thanks. I hope there would be enough informations inside to find the problem, however I will be able to look at it after the weekend.


It seems that I have found the problem and fixed it. I'll try to upload a new beta version on site in a week with this bug fixed, so you can test it in your configuration.



sounds great!!! I will test the beta version as soon as you have uploaded it! :)

Best Regards



Are there any news about the release Date of the new Version of CH?



Hi. Yup - there is some more information. I have already generated CH 1.31beta and just missing some time to post it on site (especially that I've had some problems with mainboard). Most probably the version would appear on weekend.

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