Limit maximum operations running simultaneously to ...

Started by Zernichter, November 22, 2020, 02:01:40 AM

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I like the feature Limit maximum operations running simultaneously to ..., but could you please add another option to select the value if the destination is not on the same drive?
So like Limit maximum operations running simultaneously with the same drive destination....

Because right now, lets say i start a big transfer like a backup to my external drive while still using windows for daily work.
I cant even copy&paste any small file to another folder, because it will queue behind the big backup that is running for a few hours.

So it would really be great! Because if its not the same destination drive, it will not slow down the process compared to if you send to the same drive.

Sorry I have no idea how the SourceForge Tracker works, maybe someone can forward this suggestion? thanks!


Thank you for suggestion.
Having a separate limit of operations for same-disk transfers is a bit limiting - e.g. it would not work if you have several local disks that are used for casual (non-backup) transfers.
What do you think of a possibility to mark specific transfer as excluded from the limit? You could then mark the backup transfer as excluded from limit and use other transfers as if this one wasn't there.
Edit: it seems someone already suggested such solution:

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